Getting the tools

Golf can be an expensive game and that has always been one of the reasons keeping me from picking it up. Fortunately, I had a set of clubs already with a bag. Unfortunately, my bag was 2-3 decades old and weighted around 30 lbs without clubs. (I later found out this was an old cart bag).

After several hours spent online at websites such as a-b-c- of golf or, I made the following shopping list along with the prices that I was willing to pay.

Carry bag -under $20
Hybrid fairway wood -under $30
MOI putter -around $50
2 piece low-spin golf balls -under $20
Lob wedge -under $15
Divot tool, towel, ball markers, and head cover -low cost (was not sure, these were all typically cheap)

I felt that these were all reasonable prices if I was willing to do the work of searching until I found each in good shape. For about a week and a half, I kept up with the latest postings on CraigsList looking for a bag. I was ready to expand the price I was willing to pay to about $50 but simply didn't have the money.

Then I got lucky. Living in a larger city certainly has its benefits and I was able to find 2 second-hand golf stores (PlayItAgain Sports and Instant Replay). Both were within 10 minutes of my work so when I got off early one day, I decided to drive by and check them out.

I ended up paying $15 for a used bag in fair condition (dirty but the pockets and legs are in great condition). I got a 21-degree hybrid for just under $20, a package of TaylorMade XD balls for $18 at Target, and a lob wedge for $5.99. I also picked up the towel, etc. fairly cheap, though it was all new.

I decided to hold off on the putter since I didn't have the money and I had a putter anyway. It is definitely going on my Christmas list though.

So for right around $65, I was ready to play. The only question, was where?



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