Go to the website below. If you don't see what you are looking for, don't give up. Keep checking back as they update their inventory periodically. While they don't have the best selection of any online store, they still have a really good

Rock Bottom Golf

If you just can't wait, then I suggest also checking out Craigslist, EBay, and any second-hand golf stores in your area. But I can almost guarantee that you will pay more than you will at Rock Bottom.

I spent hours on the site last night and walked away with the following...

New Adidas Golf shows -$29.99
Tifosi sunglasses with a lifetime warranty -$19.99
Adams Golf 10-degree 460 Driver -$39.99
Taylor Made hat -$8.99
Adidas Golf Towel -free

While I didn't NEED most of that stuff, it is nice to have some stuff that is mine and was designed for the purpose for which I am using it instead of using old hand me downs and everyday items. I am also a TaylorMade fan and had to spring for the hat even though I can't afford the putter or driver that I want from them. Shipping was only around $13 and should be here in less than a week. I'm excited, but have chosen to not use my driver on the course tomorrow (assuming it gets here) and instead wait until I have some time with it at the range.

Look out for a new post sometime this weekend on my first experience playing a full 18-holes.



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