Why is the blog called "Point of Relief"?

When I was deciding on a blog name, I pulled up a glossary of golf terms and went through them to see if any stuck out to me. I knew that I wanted one that would relate to being a beginner of golf but couldn't really think of anything involving "High Handicap"that sounded good. (If you have a great name, good for you. Don't rub it in now.) When I came across "Nearest Point of Relief", I just kind of knew that was what I wanted to use. I used the Point of Relief when I played golf for the first time as a kind of "start over" when I sunk a shot into a water hazard or into the woods. Not really what it is supposed to be used for, but when I was already 20 over par and had 4 more holes, I didn't care.

Why did you create the blog?

Short answer: Because I was bored and classes hadn't started yet.

Long Answer?

If you insist... (a lot of this is repeated in my first post but this FAQ is for people that don't want to read through every post)
After 3 years of college, I suddenly found myself in a new situation. The majority of my friends had graduated and moved away, my girlfriend had moved across the state to attend grad school, and I was left with 1 semester before I graduated and did the same. Finding myself suddenly alone, I knew that I wanted to spend my time doing something productive. My goal was to be able to walk away from my Senior "year" saying that I had spent it learning something new. I thought of learning to play the piano or improving my Spanish but that honestly didn't sound like something I would stick with.
I spent most of my summer preparing law school applications and was on a law school message forum when someone wrote "before you enter law school, you should decide what kind of lawyer you will be. You can either be the drinking kind or the golfing kind." Because I was now living by myself, I had recently made a decision to not drink at home. So I decided why not give the golf thing a try.

You realize that the quote you mentioned was just a joke right?

Yes of course but I figured why not?

Who are you?

Short answer: A graduating college student from The University of Texas at Austin with plans on attending law school next Fall.

Why law school?

It was always something that I wanted to do from Jr. High on. When I got to college, I switched majors a couple of times trying to find one I enjoyed that would still set me up for law school. (FYI, what major you choose doesn't matter as long as you enjoy it.) By my second semester, I had fallen in love with advertising and for a while even decided against going to law school after. It wasn't until the Spring semester of my Junior year that I took a legal advertising class and decided to go to law school and eventually practice advertising law.

What law school are you attending?

Great question. Also one that I am tiring of answering. Instead, check out this site.

Sounds awesome! Should I go to law school?


Why is there a "link" tab that doesn't work?

I don't know. It was there when I uploaded the original template and I can't figure out how to make it go away.

What are "labels" and how should I use them?

Labels allow you to view every post that I have made in a certain category. For example, do you want to see every practice method that I have invented or posted from another site? Check out the "Ways to Practice" label.

Have any other questions? Please feel free to email me.



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