This is the first post of my new blog, "Point of Relief." In this post, I will explain why I am writing and a little bit about myself. Future posts will chronicle my process as a beginning golfer with a college-student budget and various tips, hints, and tricks that I pick up along the way. I also hope to do course reviews as I explore courses in the region.

How did all of this begin?

That is a really good question.

I have never really played golf. Besides hitting at the driving range with some friends once or twice, I have only attempted to play an actual game of golf once. My dad and I got asked to leave the course because we were playing so slow and they had a tournament about to begin. The course officials were very nice and even gave us a free voucher to play again... but we never used it.

Fast forward 5 years. I am now a Senior at The University of Texas at Austin. In my entire college career, I have been to the driving range once and returned with my pride hurt and a handful of blisters.

So why pick the game back up?

In the past few months, a lot of things have happened.

I have decided to go law school.
I now live by myself.
I want to cut down on drinking because A.) I want to avoid the pitfalls of dealing with the stress of law school by drinking and B.) I live by myself and also want to avoid problems arising from that.
I have 8 months between when I graduate in December and when I will start law school next Fall.
My girlfriend moved to attend grad school across the state.

With all of these happening within a short time of one another, I found myself in a new situation. I finally decided that the best thing to do was to take up a new hobby. I found a quote on a law school message board that said "in law school you have to decide which kind of lawyer you will be; the drinking kind or the golfing kind." Because I had already decided against the drinking kind (see reasons above), I decided to give golf a shot.

With just the clubs given to me by my grandfather before he passed away, I set out to not only learn the game of golf, but to enjoy it as well.

I am chronicling the entire process through this blog so that others can see the entire process and reach their own "Point of Relief".



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