Date Played: August 17, 2009
Location: Austin, Texas
Overall Rating: 6/10
No. of Holes: 9
Course Par: 30
Personal Par: 60
Course Rating: 32.6
Slope: 112


Harvey Penick Golf Campus is a great course in terms of its focus. It is part of the First Tee Foundation and sits right next to a YMCA. I am out there at least once a week and have never NOT seen at least a couple of kids. The course is fairly good but only offers 9 holes.


Despite my dismal performance, the course is not that difficult. I believe there are only 2 holes that require shooting over a water hazard and I only saw 1-2 holes with bunkers. There aren't any Par 5's and playing from the whites only 2 holes (1 at 322 and 6 at 341) even break 300 yards. Most of the holes are in the low to mid 100-yard range.


A very pretty course but would help by having a few more water coolers out in the Texas summer. I would have also benefited with a course map as there was not one provided on the score card. I wandered around a few times trying to find the next hole and even had to ask for directions once (it turned out I was walking in the wrong direction).


This is where HP begins to earn its stars. The staff are knowledgeable and extremely helpful. I have had conversations with some of them about subjects beyond golf and they are all overall very friendly.

Practice Facilities

If the staff is where HP begins to earn its stars, then this is where it gains the rest of them. The center has an amazing natural grass driving range. Although the markers are not labeled, a quick conversation with the staff will let you know what they are. (FYI, each PVC structure is about 50 yards and then each barber pole is approximately 75 yards). In addition to the range, HP offers 2 putting centers; 1 large one with a nasty downhill turn and 1 smaller one that is surrounded by 2 bunkers. The smaller one has plenty of room for pitching and chipping practice. Although I have not tried it yet, HP also offers a 3 hole mini-course with low to mid 100 yard holes from the whites to blacks.

Wrap-Up Summary

Although the course itself is not amazing, the staff, purpose, and practice facilities are enough to make Harvey Penick himself proud. I personally use the course as my weekly practice facility but choose to play a full round somewhere else.



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